Ozone Soap against Viruses

Ozone soap is one of the best disinfectants that exist against viruses.

It is important that in these times, we establish a daily routine to wash hands almost constantly.

The use of suitable products is important to maintain a correct disinfection against viruses.

Jabón de Ozono contra virus


How is ozone soap against viruses?

The presence of ozone oil intensifies the cellular regenerative and disinfectant power of the ozone soap making it a healing agent for the skin, with an anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of tocopherols gives our product antioxidant properties, glycerin keeps the skin moist, preventing dryness and/or flaking, which together with olive oil make our special ozone soap to care for and protect all skin types.</p >

Also indicated for intimate hygiene and regulator of oily skin.

Due to the aforementioned purifying and detoxifying action, it is also a great ally to combat orange peel skin present in cellulite.

At Ozolife you can also buy other ozone products with multiple advantages for your body: